
How To Customize The Git For Windows Bash Shell Prompt

Have you upgraded to the latest version of Git for Windows and found the default prompt to be a bit annoying with the new added and useless “MINGW32” or “MINGW64”? Perhaps you don’t like how it has the username@hostname or maybe just the color scheme.

Jekyll Blog Helper (JBH) Status Update

Work is still moving forward on Release 1.3.0 of JBH. There are currently 3 issues that I will need to complete in order to get the release out the door.

Installing Rsync on Windows

UPDATE (2015.12.31) - This method no longer works for newer versions of Git for Windows as they have changed the version of Msys that is being used. Rsync is a widely used tool to keep copies of files on multiple computers the same.

Introducing - Jekyll Blog Helper (JBH)

One of the things you quickly realize with a static website generator like Jekyll is that there is often no good tools to actually manage your content. Making a new blog post with Jekyll can be boiled down to 4 steps: