
DevSpace Technical Conference 2015

It’s been a long few days but I am back from Huntsville, Alabama after attending the inaugural two day event that is DevSpace Technical Conference. For those of you that don’t know, DevSpace is north Alabama’s premier polyglot technology conference.

I'll be presenting at DevSpace Technical Conference 2015

I’m honored to announce that I have been selected to speak at the first DevSpace Technical Conference being held this October 9th and 10th, 2015 in Huntsville, Alabama. I’ve never been to Huntsville but I’m looking very forward to the opportunity to visit.

CodeStock 2012 Recap

Once again another great CodeStock conference has come and gone. Day 0 I managed to drop the cat off at the pet boarder Pet Palace and after a relatively average drive I was in Knoxville, TN by 4pm.

CodeStock 2010

Another CodeStock has gone and passed and what an event it was! They finally moved from The Pellissippi State Community College out in the boonies of Knoxville, TN to The University of Tennessee Conference Center in downtown Knoxville.

CodeStock 2009 Recap

Codestock was a rocking fun time this year. Major props have to go out to Michael C. Neel (@vinull) for once again busting his ass and putting together an impressive conference.