Dr. Richard Hipp - creator of SQLite - provides a great view into the history of SQLite and situations where it really shines. SQLite is a database designed to live at the edge of the network with no DBA to tend to it.
Donald Knuth is an American computer scientist, mathematician, and professor emeritus at Stanford University. He is best known for being the author of The Art of Computer Programming series of books.
Today’s video is titled “JavaScript: The Good Parts” by Douglas Crockford
Douglas Crockford is a software developer that is well known in the JavaScript community. He popularized the JSON data format and develops JSLint and JSMin tools.
How NOT to Store Passwords! - Computerphile
In light of several recent rather well known website hacks I thought it might be worth sharing this video about how how to NOT store passwords in your systems.
This video is by Jonathan Blow entitled “Ideas about a new programming language for games.”
Jonathan is an independent game developer known for the critically acclaimed game Braid and currently working on a new game titled The Witness.
It’s Monday again and time for me to share with you another awesome throwback video from the past. Today’s video is titled “IBM CONTROL PROGRAM OF OPERATING SYSTEM/360” and an introduction to IBM’s OS/360.
It’s time for another Video Monday! Today I have a very good Keynote by Robert C. Martin at OOP 2015.
Do agile methods abandon architecture for speed? Do they replace good design decisions with mindless testing?
It’s time for another Video Monday. Today’s video is a bit of a throwback to an earlier time. It’s a video called “The UNIX Operating System” from the AT&T Archives.
This is an amazing funny video about programming languages.
This was a keynote by Guy Steele at The ACM SIGPLAN Conference OOPSLA'98.
For those confused by the acronyms: